Our Services

We work a bit differently than other digital agencies

Our team of dedicated software engineers, expert mobile app developers, talented designers, and experienced project managers collaborate closely to ensure that every decision aligns with your customers' needs and desires. Every step of the way, you can be confident that your business will be fully connected to your target audience, providing them with the best possible experience.

We make sure you own your code the whole time we're working on it

We don’t hold your code ransom until we get the last payment. The code is placed in an online repository that you can access and manage as easily as we can. Our goal is to collaborate with you as a partner, not as a hostage taker.

Flexible Billing to Suit Your Needs

At Zeek, we understand that each project is unique, which is why we offer flexible billing options tailored to your specific needs. Whether you prefer a fixed fee, an hourly rate, or a combination of both, we can adapt to what makes the most sense for you.
We often start with a fixed fee discovery phase to thoroughly understand your project requirements. From there, we can transition to hourly billing, allowing for adjustments and changes in priorities as the project evolves. This hybrid approach ensures you have the freedom to adapt your project scope without the constraints of traditional fixed fee or time and materials contracts.
Our goal is to act as a true partner, providing the flexibility and responsiveness you need to achieve success.

We use change orders, but our driving dynamic is common sense

We know that mid-project you may discover that you need us to change what we’re doing. We’re ok with that, and often expect it. That won’t necessarily require a change order, if we can all agree on what it means on the overall impact of a project. But in all things, our focus is to be a partner. It’s what reasonable people do.

What We Do

  • Product/Project Advisory

    One of the situations we often see with prospects and clients alike, is their need for technical help long before the start of a project. They need help scoping an effort. They need help evaluating a concept. They need help determining if their project makes sense, of if they should think about things differently. We provide that as a service.

  • Software Development

    When our clients can’t get the IT attention they need internally, Zeek has demonstrated an ability to be an extension of the organization’s technical resources in order to develop mobile or desktop applications. The result has been a custom-tailored application that comes to market far sooner than had our clients waited for their internal staff to work on it.

  • Web Application Development

    Zeek is the market leader in Southern California for building web sites and applications. Particularly when it comes to WordPress and using WordPress as a platform for additional web-based applications, Zeek has built best-in-class solutions in a variety of industries. We also help our clients with any of their eCommerce needs – from getting a store online to helping it scale to integrating it with a mobile solution.

  • Software Integration

    Whether it’s Salesforce or a social media network, Zeek’s engineers have proven expertise in leveraging a platform’s API to deliver features for our clients. We’ve pulled data in from one platform, only to transform it and deliver it to another. We’ve also triggered business rules after receiving data in order to transform it before moving it into another system.

  • Mobile Application Development

    We’ve built both Android and Apple iOS mobile applications, though our specialty is iOS. Zeek has worked with a variety of mobile frameworks to accelerate speed to market, including the leading player in the market, Axway’s Appcelerator.

  • Bringing It All Together

    The reality is that the future of business enablement, from a technology perspective, is not just one of the above competencies. It’s what happens when you bring them all together. Zeek specializes in building business solutions that connect mobile apps to web applications to internal corporate systems.

We deliver what you need

Website Refresh

If your website hasn’t had a makeover in the last 24 months, it’s likely slower than it needs to be and not delivering the results it can be.

Mobile Apps

People leave home with their keys, wallet and phones. We can’t build apps for two of those things, but a mobile app is the best way to be everywhere your clients are.

eCommerce Stores

Generating revenue online doesn’t have to be as complicated as people make it out to be. We’re experts in the space and have helped folks just like you.

Site Performance Enhancements

Google hates slow sites, and so do we. Let us help evaluate your site’s performance and create a plan for optimizing the performance of your site.

Headless eCommerce / Headless CMS

Merchants looking to move to the next level are considering a headless approach - where you get a best of breeds approach to eCommerce.

SaaS Products

When your team needs the creation of a SaaS, we’ll happily help you get there. Check out our case studies!

Custom Development

At Zeek, we take a phased approach to your project using flexible pricing and schedules to meet your needs.

Site Maintenance

Have an existing website that needs work? Based on how much your monthly needs are, we have a service maintenance plan that is right for you.


Our software consulting focuses on recognizing the roots of your business problems and finding or designing a software solution to solve them.

Not sure what you need? No problem.
Let’s talk about what your business needs to achieve your goals. No obligations.

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