We’re Here To Help

Steve Zehngut - March 19, 2020


Across the country, people are being asked to limit their movements, shelter in place, and close down local businesses that aren’t essential. We get it. It is frightening and stressful.

Here at Zeek, we’ve been building online software and mobile apps for tons of companies that are moving online for the first time. BUT I’M NOT SELLING YOU ANYTHING.

I’m posting this because of our expertise and the situations you may find yourself in. We want to be a resource for you and be helpful to your company in these tough days.

So if you want to chat about how to think about moving your business online, I want to offer you a PITCH-FREE, FREE call to help you strategize next steps.

Reach out. Let’s schedule a call.

Steve Zehngut
Zeek Interactive